10 facts about the author

  1. I live in a great and magnificent city called Istanbul, caught between love and hate, jammed between crowds of foreigners and street vendors.
  2. I’ve tried to live in Antalya, but the mix
    Me and Julie, 2015
    Sunbathing in Kemer (Antalya)

    of the southern sun with a wild humidity is totally not my thing. For those who wonder if I am ever coming back to my hometown, I must assure you that I am not going to give up the metropolis which blends a charming Asian mysticism with a cold European pragmatism (though I do sometimes feel homesick and miss my Siberian land).

  3. I am a cosmopolitan. Even in literature. Love reading the works of literal art by mysterious and somewhat twisted Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, mystic but very open-minded Turkish novelist Elif Safak, and, of course, an American intellectual thriller maestro Dan Brown.
  4. When I was 6, I had an operation on my right shoulder due to acute osteomyelitis. Only years later my mom would admit how thankful she still is to that surgeon for saving my life (as well as for carrying me all the way from OR to my ward with his bare hands). I still have an 8-centimeter scar left after two operations (yeah, they had to open me up again – Welcome to Russia, Baby). But I turned it into beauty and had the dragon tattooed over the scar. Its body is entwined with Chinese hieroglyphs, symbolizing four virtues that dragon brings with it: Harmony; Nobleness; Wealth and Longevity. It’s a no-brainer that I was born as a dragon according to the Chinese astrology.

5. The sectors I worked in include hospitality and event industries, PR and advertising, copywriting and translating, as well as web-blogging and ESL teaching.

6. I am a Manifestor in the Human Design System, which implies having a very actively working throat chakra (Vishuddhi), being a good leader, always initiating and informing everyone about your plans before actually doing anything. Only 9% of the World Population makes Manifestors.

So raise your hands if your parents tried to frame you and raised you as a Generator.

7. I started dating quite early so my baggage of make-ups and break-ups is quite heavy…

8. It’s always been easier for me to land a good job than to find the Mister Right.

9. That being said, I write about gender differences and similarities, love and relationships.

10. I adore Spain, Spaniards, their language and anything related to Spanish culture. Be it flamenco, paellas, or their famous “tinto de verano”*. Hopefully, I’ll move there one day.)

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