My morning manifest

Why do we need those ‘likes’ to assert ourselves – just to improve our self-esteem, or to stand out of the crowd? Are we all that much wounded inside that we seek so badly for the public approval and recognition?..

Can’t we just accept ourselves as we are? With all these open wounds, still bleeding at the edges, with all the insecurities and self-distrust… I guess we can. No, I’m sure we can! But the problem is that we do NOT want to. It just takes a lot of internal work to enhance our psychological skills and begin to believe in ourselves.

So why on Earth do we continue sitting and waiting for some spiritual guide to get us out of this mess and lead us to the perfect world of self-acceptance? Nobody’s going to come – stop waiting for the goddamn signs!

Can you hear me? Stop waiting and START doing something – right now, this very moment. Don’t waste your time, the clocks are ticking! Just go out there and do it – whatever it takes.

If you feel like you are in the wrong place, and your work doesn’t satisfy you anymore, start looking for the new one, but that one must be your dream job! Go find it.

If you feel that your body is not perfect, just start working out (but don’t forget about stretching your soul as well – both sides of the “coin” should be shining).

If you cannot feel complete without a partner – well, go out and look for him or her! But remember that, having found your soul mate, you may still feel uncomfortable or self-doubtful as the most important thing to work on is Yourself, and Your inner world.

Dive deeply right into it, don’t be scared by the imperfections you are going to find, accept them, face them, and then – change! “Be that change that you want to see in the world”, Gandhi said. And that man was an exemplary human, with a great heart and a tremendous soul.

So stop looking for goddamn self-affirmation in the social networks (or social life). That’s not the solution for your soul. The key is inside of you – cut the crap and go for it!

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